Our competitive intelligence training exercise provides a hands-on, low-stakes environment where team members can practice handling competitive scenarios and refine their approach to differentiation.

How does it work?

Ideal for teams of 6-12 participants, the exercise focuses on practical role-play sessions and structured feedback to improve team members' ability to handle competitive conversations. Key components include:

  1. Introduction to competitors and differentiation: Briefing participants on top competitors and key differentiation points.
  2. Role-play scenario setup: Presenting a realistic scenario that includes customer persona, vertical, buying stage, and competitors under consideration.
  3. Preparation using battlecards: Allowing teams to use prepared battlecards to strategize their approach to the role-play conversation.
  4. Role-play execution: Conducting the role-play with facilitators acting as customers and taking live notes.
  5. Debrief and Q&A: Reviewing the role-play session, discussing what worked well, areas for improvement, and answering any questions related to competitive positioning.

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CI for Sales and CS: Training exercise
CI for Sales and CS: Training exercise Training exercise ℹ️ About this resource Self-serve resources like battlecards are a great start, but we also need to give our teams a chance to practice their skills in a low-stakes environment. Yes, sales role play can be awkward. But would you rather…

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