Our new sales forecasting model template helps you predict future revenue, manage your pipeline, and track deal progress with precision. Stay ahead of the curve by knowing which deals are likely to close and when.

What’s inside the sales forecasting template?

This template provides a clear structure for forecasting your sales pipeline by quarter:

  • Deal tracking: Log company names, deal stages, and deal sizes to monitor your pipeline.
  • Probability-based forecasting: Automatically calculate the expected forecast based on the likelihood of each deal closing.
  • Quarterly and annual overviews: Get a complete view of your sales potential by quarter and year, with totals for deal size and forecasted revenue​.

With this tool, you can focus your efforts on the right deals and improve the accuracy of your revenue predictions.

How to use it:

Here’s how you can make the most of the sales forecasting model template:

  1. Input your deals: Add your deals along with their stage in the pipeline and the total deal size.
  2. Set probabilities: Assign a probability to each deal based on its stage, which the template will use to calculate an adjusted forecast.
  3. Track quarterly progress: Use the quarterly sections to see how much revenue you can expect based on your current pipeline.
  4. Review and adjust: As deals progress, update their stages and probabilities to refine your forecast and stay on top of your sales goals.

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Sales forecasting template

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