Our buyer journey content framework is a comprehensive guide designed to give you the right content strategies tailored to every step your potential customers take—from Awareness all the way to Decision.

Whether you want to generate leads or close sales, this framework is your go-to playbook for creating high-impact, relevant content that nurtures prospects from start to finish.

What's inside?

This document provides a deep dive into the most effective types of content you can use for each stage of the buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness Stage: Engage your audience with educational articles, social posts, and podcasts.
  • Consideration Stage: Equip prospects with product brochures, online demos, and downloadable guides.
  • Decision Stage: Seal the deal with reviews, case studies, and free trials.

From SEO-friendly blog posts to immersive webinars and product trials, every content type is laid out clearly, ensuring you can choose the perfect format for where your audience is in their decision-making process​.

How to use the framework:

This framework is your roadmap to content marketing success. Here’s how to maximize its potential:

  1. Identify the buyer stage: Determine where your prospect is in their journey (Awareness, Consideration, or Decision).
  2. Select the right content: Use the framework to choose the most appropriate content formats to drive engagement at each stage.
  3. Create & distribute: Craft high-quality content that speaks to your audience’s needs, then share it through the right channels to drive conversions.
  4. Refine & measure: Continuously evaluate the performance of your content and adjust your strategy for improved results.

Download your buyer journey content mapping framework

buyer journey content mapping framework
Content for each stage of the buyer’s journey
Content for each stage of the buyer’s journey Whether you’re looking to acquire leads or increase sales and conversions, content plays an essential role in the buyer’s journey. From comprehensive articles, audio content like podcasts, or educational webinars, content marketing helps your prospe…

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