What is a discovery call scorecard?

The discovery call scorecard is a structured evaluation tool designed to help sales managers and teams assess the effectiveness of their initial interactions with potential customers.

The scorecard provides a framework for reviewing key aspects of discovery calls. The aim is to ensure that sales reps are consistently uncovering critical customer information and setting the stage for a successful sales process.

What's in the scorecard?

The scorecard consists of a series of targeted questions that evaluate the key elements of a discovery call. Each question is rated on a 5-star scale, allowing for a detailed assessment of the sales rep's performance in specific areas.

The scorecard also includes sections for qualitative feedback, offering space for both positive reinforcement and constructive criticism.

How to use the sales discovery call scorecard

1. Rate the overall call

Start by providing an overall rating for the call, giving a general impression of how well the rep conducted the conversation.

  • Overall rating
    Rate the call from 1 to 5 stars based on the general effectiveness of the interaction.

2. Evaluate key aspects of the call

The scorecard breaks down the call into critical components, each rated individually. These ratings help identify strengths and areas for improvement in the sales rep’s approach.

  • Understanding the customer’s “WHY”
    Assess how effectively the rep identified the customer's reasons for engaging in the conversation.
  • Identifying key results
    Rate how well the rep pinpointed the outcomes the customer is aiming to achieve.
  • Defining success
    Evaluate the rep's ability to determine what success looks like for the customer, including specific metrics like ROI (Return on Investment) or ROT (Return on Time).
  • Identifying competitive solutions
    Consider how thoroughly the rep explored alternative solutions or competitors the customer might be considering.
  • Addressing customer concerns
    Assess the rep’s effectiveness in resolving any questions or concerns the customer had during the call.
  • Presenting the company and value proposition
    Rate the clarity and impact of the company overview and value proposition delivered by the rep.
  • Understanding the buying process
    Evaluate how well the rep identified the customer’s buying process.
  • Identifying buyers
    Assess the rep's ability to identify all relevant stakeholders involved in the buying decision.
  • Building rapport
    Consider how effectively the rep built a connection and rapport with the customer.
  • Building value in the next step
    Evaluate how well the rep created interest in the next step of the sales process, ensuring continued engagement.

3. Provide feedback

The scorecard concludes with sections for written feedback, allowing managers to give specific praise and suggest areas for improvement.

  • What they did well
    Provide notes on the strengths displayed during the call.
  • Suggestions for improvement
    Offer constructive feedback on what could be done better in future calls.

Download your sales discovery call scorecard

sales discovery call scorecard
Discovery scorecard
Discovery scorecard Use the below questions to review the first interaction a sales rep has with a customer. (5 stars is the highest, 1 the lowest) Overall, how would you rate this call? ☆☆☆☆☆ How well did the rep identify the WHY of the customer? (Why are they calling us or agreeing to a m…

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