With the job market remaining unpredictable and turbulent, it's as important as ever to understand your value as a professional - and this rings true even more so for enablers, who are often underappreciated for their vast efforts.
At SEC we published 2024's edition of the Sales Enablement Salary Report this week as part of our continuing efforts to drive salary transparency among enablement professionals.
The full, 40+ page report is free to download and breaks down salaries by a variety of factors, including:
- Gender
- Geography
- Workload
- Team size
- Leadership support
- And more
However, we've compiled five of the most eye-catching and interesting statistics revealed in our report right here, so that you get the info you need right away. 👇
North American enablement salaries still lead the way
Our report showed that the worldwide average enablement salary came out to $137,032.
However, our largest group of respondents - North Americans - and their more mature market pull ahead of the rest in this respect.
US and Canada-based enablers earned an average of $147,042 per year in base salary (before taxes, excluding bonuses).
Comparatively our second-largest group of respondents, Europeans, earned only $106,049 per year on average.
While some might expect some level of disparity, it's striking to see the difference laid bare.
Revenue and GTM enablers out-earn their sales enablement peers
Despite sales enablement being the most commonly mentioned job title among our respondents, this group was the lowest-earning, with an average salary of $127,655.
Respondents with job titles that imply their role entails enabling more than just the sales team are the highest earners in the report, with revenue enablement and GTM enablement titles earning $147,990 and $165,818 on average, respectively.
However, as we revealed in our Sales Enablement Landscape Report 2024, job titles aren't everything. It's not uncommon to have a sales enablement job title, but be saddled with responsibilities resembling revenue enablement, for example.
Accounting for this, the trend still stands - the more teams beyond sales that you enable, the more likely you are to have a higher salary.
We asked respondents what their role actually entailed day-to-day, separately to their job title, and even here revenue ($145,656) and GTM ($164,249) enablement day-to-day roles out-earned sales enablement ones significantly.
There's a host of reasons why this may be the case. Perhaps the fact that the scope of their enablement stretches across more of the business, or its possible that those in expanded enablement roles are more likely to have years of experience behind them?
Whatever the case, the fact remains that among our 230+ respondents, those with a broader scope of enablement earn more, whether it's in their job title or day-to-day role.
Better leadership support for enablement lends itself to higher salaries
Getting buy-in from leadership teams can be a struggle for some enablement teams. We asked our respondents to rank how strong their leadership's support for enablement was, with 1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest.
Looking at the resulting salary statistics show a seemingly strong link between leadership teams that appreciate and support enablement, and higher salaries for the enablers in these organizations.
This highlights the importance of 'interviewing' your interviewers if you're looking to find a new role - understanding how that organization views enablement as a concept can be an indicator of their willingness to pay enablement talent.
The gender pay gap still exists in enablement

Despite making up the majority (60%), our female respondents make, on average, $5,655 less per year than their male counterparts.
This is despite the fact that there were more female respondents at the Director level or Head Of positions than male respondents.
Breaking down the data further and looking only at our respondents who occupy senior positions, as shown in the chart above, the difference in salary actually grows.
Male respondents in senior positions earn on average $13,461 more than their female counterparts in similarly senior roles.
The gender pay gap our data suggests is disappointing, and we hope that exposing this disparity helps serve as a catalyst for change.
The more direct reports you have, the higher your earning potential

One of the strongest correlations in our report relates to the number of employees directly managed.
Enablement professionals with no direct reports earn the least, on average, and remuneration increases proportionally with team size.
Looking for your ticket to a bigger salary? Taking on additional management responsibilities, and leading a team of enablers is a good way to boost your chances.
Dig into more statistics
These are just five of the standout statistics from our 2024 Sales Enablement Salary Report, and countless more are just a few clicks away.
To discover 40+ pages of stats compiled from data of over 230 of your enablement peers, download your free copy of the report. 📨
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