The 2023 edition of the Sales Enablement Salary Report is ready to download!
It’s never been more important to know your worth in sales enablement, and we’re aiming to create industry-wide salary transparency for our community.
We asked 170+ sales enablement professionals from around the world about their salaries, commission, team size, and support from leadership - you get the picture.
We then divided up the results by geography, gender, and tenure, and compiled the results into our definitive Sales Enablement Salary Report 2023.
Download your copy below, and discover what your peers are earning and why. 👇
Key findings
Here’s a taster of what we discovered in the report:
- Among our respondents, those who have sales enablement certifications earn $9,733 more a year than the average salary.
- Sales enablers who don’t manage any other employees earn $17,275 less than the average salary.
- 61.3% of respondents answered no when asked whether sales enablement salaries in general reflect the business value the role adds.
- 71.3% of our respondents answered yes to the question: “Do you get bonuses or any kind of commission at your current company?”.
Want the full picture? Download the report and discover a world of sales enablement salary statistics.
What we asked
In order to create a comprehensive report, we asked our survey respondents a number of key questions, including:
- Their base salary, before taxes
- If they felt their salary was reflective of their role
- If they had C-Suite support
- The size of their sales team
- What they'd change about their compensation package
And much more.
The answers we received allowed us to build out a report packed with fascinating statistics that will allow any sales enabler to benchmark their salary against their peers.
Find out what the compiled results revealed by download the report. 👇
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